Okay so in this post I am going to expose the iPoker scam.
I will attach the chat and the sequence of events that happened in a chronological order.
1. A probable employee of Betfair on the iPoker Network who is romanian is seen chatting to his friend in Romanian in the chat interface.
2. All of the text I copy and translate via Google Translate.
3. Several key facts revealed the chat shows that he is working like a day job while playing speed poker tables at a time, in the evening he wins tournaments.
4. He has created multiple accounts and he had made the person he is chatting with account run good to win the tournament. This is Betfair only tournament on iPoker and results are not tracked.
5. He is seen advising this player to get him to improve.
6. He brags that he won with stronger hands when his opponents had strong hands.
7. He also discusses that once he reaches the 1000 dollar he withdraws.
8. Finally we see this account BUFU804 win the tournament nightly 75 euro in suspect way. The player ANARAPID1 mentioned he had made BUFU804 win account previously too.
9. Both the players are currently in London, before the final hand is dealt another player joins the chat also from London named CCHOWIE.
10. A lot of things I did not understand as they could not be translated probably accurately due to the slang used.
This chat happened on 15-12-2015 in the betfair only tournament.
Two people chatting on betfair only tournament 75 euro nightly, one says that he made other up on the nightly, finally I get cracked up by two aces on both tables, both opponents had aces at the same time to take me down and out of money. the betfair only tables are very risky,
EnglishSpanishFrenchRomanian - detectedEnglishSpanishArabicTranslate
ANARAPID1: ma provoci sa nu las nici eu nimic
BUFU804: da ti-am zis eu cva
BUFU804: am mers pe intuitite
BUFU804: credeam ca duc
BUFU804: ai avut noroc acolo
BUFU804: asta e
BUFU804: nu e pb
ANARAPID1: la asta ult 3 ori cand l am jucat de 3 ori am prins h up
ANARAPID1: de 2 ori l am castigat si odata lokul 2
BUFU804: ia auzi bravo
BUFU804: si eu am prins locul intai de multeori a asta
ANARAPID1: am sarit de 500 euro ..la 1000 retrag
BUFU804: ai mai castigat la cash table?
ANARAPID1: poi euy la cash castig mai mult
BUFU804: cu cat intri?
ANARAPID1: depinde
ANARAPID1: joc speed poker
ANARAPID1: cu 5 dar joc la 4 mese o data
ANARAPID1: cand is la servici...seara bag turnee
BUFU804: aha
BUFU804: nu e rau
BUFU804: eu nu mai joc cash
BUFU804: numai turnee
BUFU804: am castigat un turneu live aici in londra
BUFU804: de 1.100
BUFU804: de lire
ANARAPID1: sincer sa fiu fac mai multi bani din pokewr decat salariu
ANARAPID1: pe luna
BUFU804: pai lasa ca e bine
ANARAPID1: salariu am 13 mil
ANARAPID1: si pe poker fac cam 4-500 euro pe luna
ANARAPID1: cu 27?
BUFU804: erau suited
BUFU804: stiam ca ai dat cu carte mare
ANARAPID1: nu suited
ANARAPID1: suited e 78
BUFU804: ale mele erau suited
ANARAPID1: erau de o culoare
ANARAPID1: nu suited
BUFU804: pai asta inseamna suited
BUFU804: cand sunt de aceeasi culoare
BUFU804: oricum ai avut noroc pe river
BUFU804: ca altfel luam eu
ANARAPID1: ar fi prea tare sa prind h up a 4 oara la rand
BUFU804: astae
ANARAPID1: la acelasi turneu
ANARAPID1: din ianuarie o sa incerc mize mai mari si cred k renunt la servici
BUFU804: eu am un token de 10 si unu de 75
BUFU804: ala de 75 l-am luat cu 3 euro
BUFU804: am sa joc turneul ala mare cand intrin concediu
ANARAPID1: vezi sa nu expire
BUFU804: e valabil pana pe 26 ianuarie
ANARAPID1: acolo dak dai asa call pe orice..ca aici te mananca aia
BUFU804: nu dau acolo
ANARAPID1: acolo is pro toti
ANARAPID1: in 20 min esti out
BUFU804: sapte doi aveam
BUFU804: acu
BUFU804: de aceasi culoare
BUFU804: daca joci cu frica nu castigi
ANARAPID1: eu am ajuns in primii 100 la ala de 75
BUFU804: iesi si pe carti mari
ANARAPID1: asta vara
ANARAPID1: jucam pe hill
ANARAPID1: am luat 600
BUFU804: super
ANARAPID1: am iesit pe jj la aj
ANARAPID1: a intrat as river
ANARAPID1: penal
BUFU804: pai eu ce zic
BUFU804: eu am alt still de jcuat
BUFU804: daca simt ca pot sa duc
BUFU804: iti dau call
BUFU804: stiu ca ai cva mare
BUFU804: daca am lovit
BUFU804: cam sta e
ANARAPID1: vad ..dar nu e bn..trebe sa te adaptezi..in functie de adversari
ANARAPID1: de cate ori nu te am, blufat si eu...)
BUFU804: am castigat multe turnee asa
BUFU804: daca dai pe pro lab poker
BUFU804: si pui numele meu
BUFU804: iti arata profit
BUFU804: pe ce loc am iesit
BUFU804: din cati
ANARAPID1: eu am cont nou
BUFU804: ce nick aveai ianinte
ANARAPID1: inainte jucam pe hill..poe titan..ladbrokes..pady betfred
ANARAPID1: dar le au inchis
BUFU804: aha
ANARAPID1: pe everest cand au inchis aveam 1700 euro
BUFU804: ori
BUFU804: oricum eu joc asa pana imi fac fise
BUFU804: dupa aia joc altfel
ANARAPID1: eu am intrat doar cu 300 points
BUFU804: sunt imprevizibil niciodata nu stii ce pot sa am
ANARAPID1: si am 12mii
ANARAPID1: ideea e sa faci profit
BUFU804: am profit
ANARAPID1: nu sa bagi oricat pana te ridici
BUFU804: am scos de 2 ori pana acum de pe online
ANARAPID1: pe siturile elea nu indica corect
BUFU804: odata 100 de lire
BUFU804: si alta data 100
BUFU804: dar cel mai mare castig l-am avut live
ANARAPID1: poi eu am deja 500 euro si am contu asta din noiembrie
BUFU804: si eu tot din noiembrie joc
BUFU804: si deja am scos 200
BUFU804: lire nu euro
BUFU804: eu am jucat mai mult live
ANARAPID1: eu din noiembrie joc cu contu asta...k le schimb la 2 luni mereu
BUFU804: pai de ce le schimbi?
ANARAPID1: acum e mai greu ..k mu au luat licenta
ANARAPID1: erau vreo 20-30 in ipoker
ANARAPID1: poi eu la 1000 retrag
ANARAPID1: cxand fac 1000 euro
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: si dupa ce retrag schimb si contu
BUFU804: pai de ce schimbicontul
ANARAPID1: dupa ce retragi incepe sa te arda softu
BUFU804: nu e asa eu am retras
BUFU804: si tot am mai castigat primul loc
ANARAPID1: adil adik oricum ai juca de bn..tot pierzi
ANARAPID1: poi eu vorbesc de 1000 euro
ANARAPID1: nu retrag ciubucuri destea
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: vezi..dak joci asa bagi 10 -15 euro pana la ad on, nici daca intri in bani nu acoperi
BUFU804: am 5 rebuy
ANARAPID1: acum te-au si citit astia..te platesc cu orice
BUFU804: nu imi pasa
BUFU804: asta e si scopul
BUFU804: sa ma plateasca cu orie
BUFU804: ptr ca
BUFU804: o sa ma prinda si cu carte
BUFU804: asta e avantajul
BUFU804: si le cer maxim
ANARAPID1: noh tu joci cwm vrei..dar eu am 5 ani de poker in spate si iti pot spune k cu stilu asta..nu poti ajunge sa faci bani multi
BUFU804: asa joc eu mai agresiv
ANARAPID1: si eu joc f agresiv
ANARAPID1: dar nu la f mana
BUFU804: eu joc asa pana imi fac o anumita suma de chipsuri
ANARAPID1: se poate intampla o data sa ai noroc dar pe termen lung esti victima
BUFU804: pe termen lung situ ca dac joc asa nu castig...dar uite ca am castigat de multe ori
ANARAPID1: macar joaca freze
BUFU804: tu cati ani ai?
BUFU804: multi inainte
ANARAPID1: joc poker de la 16 ani
BUFU804: pfai
ANARAPID1: inainte jucam free..de 5 ani joc pe bani reali
ANARAPID1: nu k ma laud...dar tu ai mai vazut pe cineva sa se inscrie cu 2 si sa ajunga cu amandoua la masa finala..sa fiew 1 si 2
BUFU804: da nu poti aici
BUFU804: te scoate
ANARAPID1: poi da..mi a dat lokul 6
ANARAPID1: si mi a transferat jetoanele
BUFU804: e bine
BUFU804: daca le-a transferat
BUFU804: sdar dupa ai iesit pe 3
BUFU804: ca te scose se parca
ANARAPID1: da ..aveam nervi
ANARAPID1: din cauza aia
BUFU804: ma duc sa fumez vorbim cand vin
ANARAPID1: k vroiam lokul 1 si 2
ANARAPID1: si nu am mai jucat nimic
ANARAPID1: era in ziua canbd te am facut pe tn in h up
ANARAPID1: la asta de 75
BUFU804: da stiu
BUFU804: de la cine ai invatat poker sau cine te a initiat?
ANARAPID1: asta se invata jucand
ANARAPID1: din greseli
BUFU804: nu ma refer la stil
BUFU804: c.u.m de te-ai apucat
ANARAPID1: de la fratimeo
ANARAPID1: juca non-stop
ANARAPID1: la fel ca mn acum)
ANARAPID1: vezi dak ai dat pe orice..cati bani ai bagat?
ANARAPID1: eu doar intrarea
BUFU804: 6
ANARAPID1: si aia pe 300 puncte
BUFU804: euro
BUFU804: nu vezi ca nici nu imi da ma arde softul vietii
ANARAPID1: poi rti a dat bn
ANARAPID1: acolo mi ai spart asii
BUFU804: odata
BUFU804: acu cu valetii
BUFU804: praf
BUFU804: si multe alte maini
ANARAPID1: poi dak ai insistat sa joci orice carte..normal k te plateste lumea
ANARAPID1: si cand ai carte dak te platesc multi..ti o sparge
BUFU804: nah asta e
BUFU804: nu e prob
BUFU804: daca nu risti nu castigi
ANARAPID1: dar nu asa
ANARAPID1: la poker trebe sa fi imprevizibil
ANARAPID1: sa nu te citeasca adversaru
ANARAPID1: ey cand ti am dat all in aveam 38
ANARAPID1: dar sti)
BUFU804: pai si tu cand ai dat raise si ti-am facut reraise ai foldat
BUFU804: si nu aveam nimic
BUFU804: sua atunci cand aveai 2 perechi
BUFU804: juv si 8
BUFU804: si eu cu optarul
ANARAPID1: poi depinde de situatie
BUFU804: te-am facut sa foldezi
BUFU804: am reprezentat culoarea
BUFU804: live ai jcuat vreodata?
-------------------------------------------------ENGLISH TRANSLATION-----------------------------------------------------------------------
ANARAPID1: I challenge you to not leave anything I do
BUFU804: yes I said I CVA
BUFU804: I went on intuition
BUFU804: I think going
BUFU804: luck there
BUFU804: this is
BUFU804: no pb
ANARAPID1: ult at this 3 times when I played it 3 times I caught up h
ANARAPID1: 2 times I won it once lokul 2
BUFU804: hear him bravo
BUFU804: and I got to this place Behold first
ANARAPID1: 500 euro jumped withdraw ..la 1000
BUFU804: You won the cash tables?
ANARAPID1: poi euy to earn more cash
BUFU804: the more you go?
ANARAPID1: depends
ANARAPID1: speed poker game
ANARAPID1: 5 but playing 4 tables at once
ANARAPID1: when is at work ... evening bag tournaments
BUFU804: aha
BUFU804: not bad
BUFU804: I do not play cash
BUFU804: only tournaments
BUFU804: I won a live tournament here in London
BUFU804: 1,100
BUFU804: £
ANARAPID1: frankly I make more money than the salary pokewr
ANARAPID1: month
BUFU804: Well let that good
ANARAPID1: I pay 13 million
ANARAPID1: and poker are about 4-500 per month
BUFU804: they were suited
BUFU804: I knew you gave the big book
ANARAPID1: not suited
ANARAPID1: Suited e 78
BUFU804: mine were suited
ANARAPID1: they were of one color
ANARAPID1: not suited
BUFU804: Well it means suited
BUFU804: they are the same color
BUFU804: anyway luck on the river
BUFU804: otherwise take me
ANARAPID1: it would be too hard to catch up 4 h time in a row
BUFU804: this
ANARAPID1: the same tournament
ANARAPID1: January'll try and think bigger stakes k give up work
BUFU804: I have a token 10 and one 75
BUFU804: Ala 75 I got 3 euro
BUFU804: I have to play that big tournament when intrin holidays
ANARAPID1: see not expire
BUFU804: is valid until January 26
ANARAPID1: there dak call on you so you eat that orice..ca here
BUFU804: do not give there
ANARAPID1: there is pro all
ANARAPID1: in 20 minutes you're out
BUFU804: seven two had
BUFU804: the same color
BUFU804: if you play with fear does not win
ANARAPID1: I came in early ala 100 75
BUFU804: exit on big cards
ANARAPID1: this summer
ANARAPID1: playing on hill
ANARAPID1: I took 600
BUFU804: super
ANARAPID1: I went river
ANARAPID1: Criminal
BUFU804: Well, what I say
BUFU804: I Still another jcuat
BUFU804: if I feel I can go
BUFU804: I call you
BUFU804: I know you have high CVA
BUFU804: if we hit
BUFU804: cam's stay
ANARAPID1: ..but not see you adaptezi..in bn..trebe according to opponents
ANARAPID1: How many times have you, and I bluffed ...)
BUFU804: I won so many tournaments
BUFU804: if you give the poker pro lab
BUFU804: and put my name
BUFU804: it shows profit
BUFU804: what place we went
BUFU804: in how many
ANARAPID1: I am new account
BUFU804 what Nick was back before the
ANARAPID1: titan..ladbrokes..pady hill..poe before playing at Betfred
ANARAPID1: but they have closed
BUFU804: aha
ANARAPID1: Everest had closed in 1700 when euro
BUFU804: times
BUFU804: I play anyway so until I make chips
BUFU804: after that game otherwise
ANARAPID1: I went only 300 points
BUFU804: are unpredictable you never know what can I
ANARAPID1: and I 12mii
ANARAPID1: the idea is to make profit
BUFU804: I profit
ANARAPID1: no matter how you put up get up
BUFU804: I took 2 times now on online
ANARAPID1: elea not indicate the correct sites
BUFU804: once 100 pounds
BUFU804: another time 100
BUFU804: but the biggest win I've had live
ANARAPID1: poi 500 euros and I already have that in November contu
BUFU804: and I still November game
BUFU804: and I have already removed 200
BUFU804: pounds not euros
BUFU804: I played more live
ANARAPID1: I November contu game that ... k always exchange them 2 months
BUFU804: Well, why change them?
ANARAPID1 ago is harder ..k mu took license
ANARAPID1: they were 20-30 in iPoker
ANARAPID1: 1000 I withdraw poi
ANARAPID1: cxand make 1000 euro
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: after you retire exchange and contu
BUFU804: Well why schimbicontul
ANARAPID1: after the start to withdraw burn softu
BUFU804: it's not that I'm retired
BUFU804: and since I won first place
ANARAPID1: Adil adik lose any way you play bn..tot
ANARAPID1: I speak poi 1000 euro
ANARAPID1: do not withdraw picking Dest
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: vezi..dak play like 10 to 15 euros to put an ad on, even if not cashed cover
BUFU804: I have 5 rebuy
ANARAPID1 ago astia..te I have read and pay any
BUFU804: I do not care
BUFU804: That's the goal
BUFU804: to pay me with Orie
BUFU804: ptr
BUFU804: catch me with a book
BUFU804: this is advantage
BUFU804: and I require maximum
ANARAPID1: CWM vrei..dar noh you play poker I am 5 years back and I can tell k with stilu asta..nu can get to make more money
BUFU804: so I play more aggressive
ANARAPID1: and I play aggressive f
ANARAPID1: but not f hand
BUFU804: I play so until I do a certain amount of chips
ANARAPID1: it can happen to get lucky once but long term you are a victim
BUFU804: Long-term situ so that if the game does not win ... but look, I won many times
ANARAPID1: even play Mills
BUFU804: you how old are you?
BUFU804: long before
ANARAPID1: playing poker 16 years
BUFU804: pfai
ANARAPID1: free..de five years before playing for real money game
ANARAPID1: k not brag ... but you saw somebody to enroll 2 and reach both table 1 and 2 fiew finala..sa
BUFU804: I can not give here
BUFU804: you out
ANARAPID1: poi da..mi gave lokul 6
ANARAPID1: chips and transferred me
BUFU804: good
BUFU804: if you transferred
BUFU804: sdar you out after 3
BUFU804: that if you removed it
ANARAPID1: yes ..aveam nerves
ANARAPID1: because that
BUFU804: I'm going to smoke when they come talk
ANARAPID1: k wanted lokul 1 and 2
ANARAPID1: and I have not played anything
ANARAPID1: canbd was the day I made you up on TN h
ANARAPID1: in this 75
BUFU804: yes I know
BUFU804: from whom you learned poker or who you initiated?
ANARAPID1: it is learned playing
ANARAPID1: from mistakes
BUFU804: I do not mean style
BUFU804: c.u.m of you started
ANARAPID1: from fratimeo
ANARAPID1: non-stop play
ANARAPID1: as min ago)
ANARAPID1: see you gave orice..cati dak money you put?
ANARAPID1: I just entry
BUFU804 6
ANARAPID1: and that on 300 points
BUFU804: euro
BUFU804: do not see that I give my life burning software
ANARAPID1: poi RTI gave bn
ANARAPID1: there you broke my aces
BUFU804: once
BUFU804: now with valets
BUFU804: dust
BUFU804: and many other hands
ANARAPID1: poi dak you insisted to play any world pays k carte..normal
ANARAPID1: when you book a break dak pay you multi..ti
BUFU804: nah that's
BUFU804: no prob
BUFU804: no risk if you do not win
ANARAPID1: but not so
ANARAPID1: poker gotta be unpredictable
ANARAPID1: not to read opponent as
ANARAPID1: ey when you've got it all in I 38
ANARAPID1: but know)
BUFU804: Well, and you gave when you raise and reraise you I've done Fold
BUFU804: and I had nothing
BUFU804: US when you were 2 pairs
BUFU804: JUV and 8
BUFU804: and I Eights
ANARAPID1: poi depends on situation
BUFU804: I made Fold
BUFU804: I represented color
BUFU804: jcuat you ever live?
The user CCHOWIE and ANARAPID1 are one and the same, once ANARAPID1 lost out he logged in with another account name cchowie and congratulated BUFU04 and completed his chat.
CChowie: BUFU
CChowie: you're a pretty consistent player.
BUFU804: whats up
BUFU804: what do you mean?
CChowie: you're farming the betfair Gt'ds
CChowie: been final table in a few now I've noticed.
LilBet: its rigged
CChowie: gl with this one, I shan't distract ya.
LilBet: he has been set up already to win
BUFU804: ok thank you
I will attach the chat and the sequence of events that happened in a chronological order.
1. A probable employee of Betfair on the iPoker Network who is romanian is seen chatting to his friend in Romanian in the chat interface.
2. All of the text I copy and translate via Google Translate.
3. Several key facts revealed the chat shows that he is working like a day job while playing speed poker tables at a time, in the evening he wins tournaments.
4. He has created multiple accounts and he had made the person he is chatting with account run good to win the tournament. This is Betfair only tournament on iPoker and results are not tracked.
5. He is seen advising this player to get him to improve.
6. He brags that he won with stronger hands when his opponents had strong hands.
7. He also discusses that once he reaches the 1000 dollar he withdraws.
8. Finally we see this account BUFU804 win the tournament nightly 75 euro in suspect way. The player ANARAPID1 mentioned he had made BUFU804 win account previously too.
9. Both the players are currently in London, before the final hand is dealt another player joins the chat also from London named CCHOWIE.
10. A lot of things I did not understand as they could not be translated probably accurately due to the slang used.
This chat happened on 15-12-2015 in the betfair only tournament.
Two people chatting on betfair only tournament 75 euro nightly, one says that he made other up on the nightly, finally I get cracked up by two aces on both tables, both opponents had aces at the same time to take me down and out of money. the betfair only tables are very risky,
EnglishSpanishFrenchRomanian - detectedEnglishSpanishArabicTranslate
ANARAPID1: ma provoci sa nu las nici eu nimic
BUFU804: da ti-am zis eu cva
BUFU804: am mers pe intuitite
BUFU804: credeam ca duc
BUFU804: ai avut noroc acolo
BUFU804: asta e
BUFU804: nu e pb
ANARAPID1: la asta ult 3 ori cand l am jucat de 3 ori am prins h up
ANARAPID1: de 2 ori l am castigat si odata lokul 2
BUFU804: ia auzi bravo
BUFU804: si eu am prins locul intai de multeori a asta
ANARAPID1: am sarit de 500 euro ..la 1000 retrag
BUFU804: ai mai castigat la cash table?
ANARAPID1: poi euy la cash castig mai mult
BUFU804: cu cat intri?
ANARAPID1: depinde
ANARAPID1: joc speed poker
ANARAPID1: cu 5 dar joc la 4 mese o data
ANARAPID1: cand is la servici...seara bag turnee
BUFU804: aha
BUFU804: nu e rau
BUFU804: eu nu mai joc cash
BUFU804: numai turnee
BUFU804: am castigat un turneu live aici in londra
BUFU804: de 1.100
BUFU804: de lire
ANARAPID1: sincer sa fiu fac mai multi bani din pokewr decat salariu
ANARAPID1: pe luna
BUFU804: pai lasa ca e bine
ANARAPID1: salariu am 13 mil
ANARAPID1: si pe poker fac cam 4-500 euro pe luna
ANARAPID1: cu 27?
BUFU804: erau suited
BUFU804: stiam ca ai dat cu carte mare
ANARAPID1: nu suited
ANARAPID1: suited e 78
BUFU804: ale mele erau suited
ANARAPID1: erau de o culoare
ANARAPID1: nu suited
BUFU804: pai asta inseamna suited
BUFU804: cand sunt de aceeasi culoare
BUFU804: oricum ai avut noroc pe river
BUFU804: ca altfel luam eu
ANARAPID1: ar fi prea tare sa prind h up a 4 oara la rand
BUFU804: astae
ANARAPID1: la acelasi turneu
ANARAPID1: din ianuarie o sa incerc mize mai mari si cred k renunt la servici
BUFU804: eu am un token de 10 si unu de 75
BUFU804: ala de 75 l-am luat cu 3 euro
BUFU804: am sa joc turneul ala mare cand intrin concediu
ANARAPID1: vezi sa nu expire
BUFU804: e valabil pana pe 26 ianuarie
ANARAPID1: acolo dak dai asa call pe orice..ca aici te mananca aia
BUFU804: nu dau acolo
ANARAPID1: acolo is pro toti
ANARAPID1: in 20 min esti out
BUFU804: sapte doi aveam
BUFU804: acu
BUFU804: de aceasi culoare
BUFU804: daca joci cu frica nu castigi
ANARAPID1: eu am ajuns in primii 100 la ala de 75
BUFU804: iesi si pe carti mari
ANARAPID1: asta vara
ANARAPID1: jucam pe hill
ANARAPID1: am luat 600
BUFU804: super
ANARAPID1: am iesit pe jj la aj
ANARAPID1: a intrat as river
ANARAPID1: penal
BUFU804: pai eu ce zic
BUFU804: eu am alt still de jcuat
BUFU804: daca simt ca pot sa duc
BUFU804: iti dau call
BUFU804: stiu ca ai cva mare
BUFU804: daca am lovit
BUFU804: cam sta e
ANARAPID1: vad ..dar nu e bn..trebe sa te adaptezi..in functie de adversari
ANARAPID1: de cate ori nu te am, blufat si eu...)
BUFU804: am castigat multe turnee asa
BUFU804: daca dai pe pro lab poker
BUFU804: si pui numele meu
BUFU804: iti arata profit
BUFU804: pe ce loc am iesit
BUFU804: din cati
ANARAPID1: eu am cont nou
BUFU804: ce nick aveai ianinte
ANARAPID1: inainte jucam pe hill..poe titan..ladbrokes..pady betfred
ANARAPID1: dar le au inchis
BUFU804: aha
ANARAPID1: pe everest cand au inchis aveam 1700 euro
BUFU804: ori
BUFU804: oricum eu joc asa pana imi fac fise
BUFU804: dupa aia joc altfel
ANARAPID1: eu am intrat doar cu 300 points
BUFU804: sunt imprevizibil niciodata nu stii ce pot sa am
ANARAPID1: si am 12mii
ANARAPID1: ideea e sa faci profit
BUFU804: am profit
ANARAPID1: nu sa bagi oricat pana te ridici
BUFU804: am scos de 2 ori pana acum de pe online
ANARAPID1: pe siturile elea nu indica corect
BUFU804: odata 100 de lire
BUFU804: si alta data 100
BUFU804: dar cel mai mare castig l-am avut live
ANARAPID1: poi eu am deja 500 euro si am contu asta din noiembrie
BUFU804: si eu tot din noiembrie joc
BUFU804: si deja am scos 200
BUFU804: lire nu euro
BUFU804: eu am jucat mai mult live
ANARAPID1: eu din noiembrie joc cu contu asta...k le schimb la 2 luni mereu
BUFU804: pai de ce le schimbi?
ANARAPID1: acum e mai greu ..k mu au luat licenta
ANARAPID1: erau vreo 20-30 in ipoker
ANARAPID1: poi eu la 1000 retrag
ANARAPID1: cxand fac 1000 euro
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: si dupa ce retrag schimb si contu
BUFU804: pai de ce schimbicontul
ANARAPID1: dupa ce retragi incepe sa te arda softu
BUFU804: nu e asa eu am retras
BUFU804: si tot am mai castigat primul loc
ANARAPID1: adil adik oricum ai juca de bn..tot pierzi
ANARAPID1: poi eu vorbesc de 1000 euro
ANARAPID1: nu retrag ciubucuri destea
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: vezi..dak joci asa bagi 10 -15 euro pana la ad on, nici daca intri in bani nu acoperi
BUFU804: am 5 rebuy
ANARAPID1: acum te-au si citit astia..te platesc cu orice
BUFU804: nu imi pasa
BUFU804: asta e si scopul
BUFU804: sa ma plateasca cu orie
BUFU804: ptr ca
BUFU804: o sa ma prinda si cu carte
BUFU804: asta e avantajul
BUFU804: si le cer maxim
ANARAPID1: noh tu joci cwm vrei..dar eu am 5 ani de poker in spate si iti pot spune k cu stilu asta..nu poti ajunge sa faci bani multi
BUFU804: asa joc eu mai agresiv
ANARAPID1: si eu joc f agresiv
ANARAPID1: dar nu la f mana
BUFU804: eu joc asa pana imi fac o anumita suma de chipsuri
ANARAPID1: se poate intampla o data sa ai noroc dar pe termen lung esti victima
BUFU804: pe termen lung situ ca dac joc asa nu castig...dar uite ca am castigat de multe ori
ANARAPID1: macar joaca freze
BUFU804: tu cati ani ai?
BUFU804: multi inainte
ANARAPID1: joc poker de la 16 ani
BUFU804: pfai
ANARAPID1: inainte jucam free..de 5 ani joc pe bani reali
ANARAPID1: nu k ma laud...dar tu ai mai vazut pe cineva sa se inscrie cu 2 si sa ajunga cu amandoua la masa finala..sa fiew 1 si 2
BUFU804: da nu poti aici
BUFU804: te scoate
ANARAPID1: poi da..mi a dat lokul 6
ANARAPID1: si mi a transferat jetoanele
BUFU804: e bine
BUFU804: daca le-a transferat
BUFU804: sdar dupa ai iesit pe 3
BUFU804: ca te scose se parca
ANARAPID1: da ..aveam nervi
ANARAPID1: din cauza aia
BUFU804: ma duc sa fumez vorbim cand vin
ANARAPID1: k vroiam lokul 1 si 2
ANARAPID1: si nu am mai jucat nimic
ANARAPID1: era in ziua canbd te am facut pe tn in h up
ANARAPID1: la asta de 75
BUFU804: da stiu
BUFU804: de la cine ai invatat poker sau cine te a initiat?
ANARAPID1: asta se invata jucand
ANARAPID1: din greseli
BUFU804: nu ma refer la stil
BUFU804: c.u.m de te-ai apucat
ANARAPID1: de la fratimeo
ANARAPID1: juca non-stop
ANARAPID1: la fel ca mn acum)
ANARAPID1: vezi dak ai dat pe orice..cati bani ai bagat?
ANARAPID1: eu doar intrarea
BUFU804: 6
ANARAPID1: si aia pe 300 puncte
BUFU804: euro
BUFU804: nu vezi ca nici nu imi da ma arde softul vietii
ANARAPID1: poi rti a dat bn
ANARAPID1: acolo mi ai spart asii
BUFU804: odata
BUFU804: acu cu valetii
BUFU804: praf
BUFU804: si multe alte maini
ANARAPID1: poi dak ai insistat sa joci orice carte..normal k te plateste lumea
ANARAPID1: si cand ai carte dak te platesc multi..ti o sparge
BUFU804: nah asta e
BUFU804: nu e prob
BUFU804: daca nu risti nu castigi
ANARAPID1: dar nu asa
ANARAPID1: la poker trebe sa fi imprevizibil
ANARAPID1: sa nu te citeasca adversaru
ANARAPID1: ey cand ti am dat all in aveam 38
ANARAPID1: dar sti)
BUFU804: pai si tu cand ai dat raise si ti-am facut reraise ai foldat
BUFU804: si nu aveam nimic
BUFU804: sua atunci cand aveai 2 perechi
BUFU804: juv si 8
BUFU804: si eu cu optarul
ANARAPID1: poi depinde de situatie
BUFU804: te-am facut sa foldezi
BUFU804: am reprezentat culoarea
BUFU804: live ai jcuat vreodata?
-------------------------------------------------ENGLISH TRANSLATION-----------------------------------------------------------------------
ANARAPID1: I challenge you to not leave anything I do
BUFU804: yes I said I CVA
BUFU804: I went on intuition
BUFU804: I think going
BUFU804: luck there
BUFU804: this is
BUFU804: no pb
ANARAPID1: ult at this 3 times when I played it 3 times I caught up h
ANARAPID1: 2 times I won it once lokul 2
BUFU804: hear him bravo
BUFU804: and I got to this place Behold first
ANARAPID1: 500 euro jumped withdraw ..la 1000
BUFU804: You won the cash tables?
ANARAPID1: poi euy to earn more cash
BUFU804: the more you go?
ANARAPID1: depends
ANARAPID1: speed poker game
ANARAPID1: 5 but playing 4 tables at once
ANARAPID1: when is at work ... evening bag tournaments
BUFU804: aha
BUFU804: not bad
BUFU804: I do not play cash
BUFU804: only tournaments
BUFU804: I won a live tournament here in London
BUFU804: 1,100
BUFU804: £
ANARAPID1: frankly I make more money than the salary pokewr
ANARAPID1: month
BUFU804: Well let that good
ANARAPID1: I pay 13 million
ANARAPID1: and poker are about 4-500 per month
BUFU804: they were suited
BUFU804: I knew you gave the big book
ANARAPID1: not suited
ANARAPID1: Suited e 78
BUFU804: mine were suited
ANARAPID1: they were of one color
ANARAPID1: not suited
BUFU804: Well it means suited
BUFU804: they are the same color
BUFU804: anyway luck on the river
BUFU804: otherwise take me
ANARAPID1: it would be too hard to catch up 4 h time in a row
BUFU804: this
ANARAPID1: the same tournament
ANARAPID1: January'll try and think bigger stakes k give up work
BUFU804: I have a token 10 and one 75
BUFU804: Ala 75 I got 3 euro
BUFU804: I have to play that big tournament when intrin holidays
ANARAPID1: see not expire
BUFU804: is valid until January 26
ANARAPID1: there dak call on you so you eat that orice..ca here
BUFU804: do not give there
ANARAPID1: there is pro all
ANARAPID1: in 20 minutes you're out
BUFU804: seven two had
BUFU804: the same color
BUFU804: if you play with fear does not win
ANARAPID1: I came in early ala 100 75
BUFU804: exit on big cards
ANARAPID1: this summer
ANARAPID1: playing on hill
ANARAPID1: I took 600
BUFU804: super
ANARAPID1: I went river
ANARAPID1: Criminal
BUFU804: Well, what I say
BUFU804: I Still another jcuat
BUFU804: if I feel I can go
BUFU804: I call you
BUFU804: I know you have high CVA
BUFU804: if we hit
BUFU804: cam's stay
ANARAPID1: ..but not see you adaptezi..in bn..trebe according to opponents
ANARAPID1: How many times have you, and I bluffed ...)
BUFU804: I won so many tournaments
BUFU804: if you give the poker pro lab
BUFU804: and put my name
BUFU804: it shows profit
BUFU804: what place we went
BUFU804: in how many
ANARAPID1: I am new account
BUFU804 what Nick was back before the
ANARAPID1: titan..ladbrokes..pady hill..poe before playing at Betfred
ANARAPID1: but they have closed
BUFU804: aha
ANARAPID1: Everest had closed in 1700 when euro
BUFU804: times
BUFU804: I play anyway so until I make chips
BUFU804: after that game otherwise
ANARAPID1: I went only 300 points
BUFU804: are unpredictable you never know what can I
ANARAPID1: and I 12mii
ANARAPID1: the idea is to make profit
BUFU804: I profit
ANARAPID1: no matter how you put up get up
BUFU804: I took 2 times now on online
ANARAPID1: elea not indicate the correct sites
BUFU804: once 100 pounds
BUFU804: another time 100
BUFU804: but the biggest win I've had live
ANARAPID1: poi 500 euros and I already have that in November contu
BUFU804: and I still November game
BUFU804: and I have already removed 200
BUFU804: pounds not euros
BUFU804: I played more live
ANARAPID1: I November contu game that ... k always exchange them 2 months
BUFU804: Well, why change them?
ANARAPID1 ago is harder ..k mu took license
ANARAPID1: they were 20-30 in iPoker
ANARAPID1: 1000 I withdraw poi
ANARAPID1: cxand make 1000 euro
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: after you retire exchange and contu
BUFU804: Well why schimbicontul
ANARAPID1: after the start to withdraw burn softu
BUFU804: it's not that I'm retired
BUFU804: and since I won first place
ANARAPID1: Adil adik lose any way you play bn..tot
ANARAPID1: I speak poi 1000 euro
ANARAPID1: do not withdraw picking Dest
BUFU804: ok
ANARAPID1: vezi..dak play like 10 to 15 euros to put an ad on, even if not cashed cover
BUFU804: I have 5 rebuy
ANARAPID1 ago astia..te I have read and pay any
BUFU804: I do not care
BUFU804: That's the goal
BUFU804: to pay me with Orie
BUFU804: ptr
BUFU804: catch me with a book
BUFU804: this is advantage
BUFU804: and I require maximum
ANARAPID1: CWM vrei..dar noh you play poker I am 5 years back and I can tell k with stilu asta..nu can get to make more money
BUFU804: so I play more aggressive
ANARAPID1: and I play aggressive f
ANARAPID1: but not f hand
BUFU804: I play so until I do a certain amount of chips
ANARAPID1: it can happen to get lucky once but long term you are a victim
BUFU804: Long-term situ so that if the game does not win ... but look, I won many times
ANARAPID1: even play Mills
BUFU804: you how old are you?
BUFU804: long before
ANARAPID1: playing poker 16 years
BUFU804: pfai
ANARAPID1: free..de five years before playing for real money game
ANARAPID1: k not brag ... but you saw somebody to enroll 2 and reach both table 1 and 2 fiew finala..sa
BUFU804: I can not give here
BUFU804: you out
ANARAPID1: poi da..mi gave lokul 6
ANARAPID1: chips and transferred me
BUFU804: good
BUFU804: if you transferred
BUFU804: sdar you out after 3
BUFU804: that if you removed it
ANARAPID1: yes ..aveam nerves
ANARAPID1: because that
BUFU804: I'm going to smoke when they come talk
ANARAPID1: k wanted lokul 1 and 2
ANARAPID1: and I have not played anything
ANARAPID1: canbd was the day I made you up on TN h
ANARAPID1: in this 75
BUFU804: yes I know
BUFU804: from whom you learned poker or who you initiated?
ANARAPID1: it is learned playing
ANARAPID1: from mistakes
BUFU804: I do not mean style
BUFU804: c.u.m of you started
ANARAPID1: from fratimeo
ANARAPID1: non-stop play
ANARAPID1: as min ago)
ANARAPID1: see you gave orice..cati dak money you put?
ANARAPID1: I just entry
BUFU804 6
ANARAPID1: and that on 300 points
BUFU804: euro
BUFU804: do not see that I give my life burning software
ANARAPID1: poi RTI gave bn
ANARAPID1: there you broke my aces
BUFU804: once
BUFU804: now with valets
BUFU804: dust
BUFU804: and many other hands
ANARAPID1: poi dak you insisted to play any world pays k carte..normal
ANARAPID1: when you book a break dak pay you multi..ti
BUFU804: nah that's
BUFU804: no prob
BUFU804: no risk if you do not win
ANARAPID1: but not so
ANARAPID1: poker gotta be unpredictable
ANARAPID1: not to read opponent as
ANARAPID1: ey when you've got it all in I 38
ANARAPID1: but know)
BUFU804: Well, and you gave when you raise and reraise you I've done Fold
BUFU804: and I had nothing
BUFU804: US when you were 2 pairs
BUFU804: JUV and 8
BUFU804: and I Eights
ANARAPID1: poi depends on situation
BUFU804: I made Fold
BUFU804: I represented color
BUFU804: jcuat you ever live?
The user CCHOWIE and ANARAPID1 are one and the same, once ANARAPID1 lost out he logged in with another account name cchowie and congratulated BUFU04 and completed his chat.
CChowie: BUFU
CChowie: you're a pretty consistent player.
BUFU804: whats up
BUFU804: what do you mean?
CChowie: you're farming the betfair Gt'ds
CChowie: been final table in a few now I've noticed.
LilBet: its rigged
CChowie: gl with this one, I shan't distract ya.
LilBet: he has been set up already to win
BUFU804: ok thank you
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