Wednesday 16 December 2015

PokerStars Conspiracy and Scam Exposed

PokerStars was once again caught pants down by some players when they noticed that some bots had won millions of dollars. PokerStars accepted the fact and denied any wrong doing.

It is suspect that PokerStars themselves were stealing the money of the players under handed by running bots.

Then it was claimed that these bots were using other bots hole cards data to run EV, but the reality is that the PokerStars is so rigged that it can make player accounts to run way above EV and these bots which were playing PLO were made to run above EV. It is because of the following points

1. In a Zoom game it is technologically extremely difficult to share hole card data as it is a split second game and if bots were waiting for other bots to act then it would be extremely visible to other players that some of the bots are playing zoom in an erratic fashion.

2. Gaining 4 cards extra data is not enough in a game like PLO because these 4 cards may or may not be connected with the flop texture. So the best odd advantage that may be gained if this difficult technological challenge was done then 2% and bots were running as much as 20% above EV and were hitting one or two outers which was extremely strange.

3. These bots cleared millions of dollars, there is no estimate how many bots are there which are house bots in big sunday tournaments and there could be as much as 30% bots. If they can catch an underage teen playing from dad's account, and they can catch player's using suspect software, how the hell can they fail to track millions of hands by bots and they even paid these bot accounts to the millions of dollars.

4. It all means that PokerStars has become habitual to eating player's money and using it for themselves.

5. Viktor Blom wins two SCOOP events online back to back and a russian manager claims he was responsible for the wins, rumored story but it happened.

6. There was recently a scandal in which trojan was getting screen grabs from players computers and using this data to win.

7. Very high rake, and casino games added, to reduce professionals.

8. SNE rewards are completely removed and those players which were only playing for rakeback money can't win anymore.

9. All in Shootouts in poker tournaments which is a way to test which accounts are running way above EV.

10. They have a built in feature that deals turns and rivers based on the super user database table, if a player is in a hand that is in win more table, then the turn and river cards may be discarded upto 5 times by the poker software, this feature is just there to benefit the house players.

11. PokerStars tried to cover up the PLO scam because it was completely blown off, but it is sitting in Isle of Man with no governing organization, and even though Amaya bought it, no one can do anything off it.

12. There is a thread on 2+2 alleging that PokerStars deal is rigged but it is hushed down and closed as PokerStars gives 2+2 money for ads.

13. A recent user who was victim and his blog.

14.   Site has been on for years and yet PokerStars shamelessly is doing nothing at all.

15.  I get thousands of results on youtube with people saying pokerstars is rigged and with video proof,

16. PokerScout tries to put rigged reports under the rug...

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